Our Philosophy
“Is that as the Building Regulations tighten U-values and CO2 emissions, improving thermal bridging is becoming one of the most cost effective ways of reducing building heat loss, and third-party supported Thermal Modellers will deliver the best and most cost-effective solutions.”
Thermal Modelling by
NSAI Approved and Registered Thermal Modellers
2D and 3D Thermal Modelling & Bridging Analysis
As changes to Building Regulation requirements over the last few years have given rise to increased levels of thermal performance in the fabric of buildings, heat losses due to thermal bridging have become even more proportionally significant.
To ensure Evolusion can provide the best service possible, our thermal modellers have successfully demonstrated their exoertise to NSAI in a series of tests, and have therefore been included on the NSAI Register of Approved Thermal Modellers.
Our experts who have modelled and produced linear thermal transmittance values for inclusion in a number of IAB and BRE building system certificates. Evolusion use the latest computer software technology to model building elements and building junctions in 3D.
We can model and calculate U- values of complex 3D building elements in accordance with EN ISO 6946 as well as modelling and calculating the linear thermal transmittance of thermal bridges at building junctions in accordance with EN ISO 10211-1 and BR 497. Evolusion can also give recommendations on what measures can be taken to improve the thermal bridging performance of key junctions in order to achieve ACD and ECD status.
Evolusion can develop certification details and manage the certification of these details to achieve ACD’s for thermal bridging.
Evolusion can also design, detail and model to achieve passivhaus standard.
Evolusion will also offer accredited linear thermal transmittance values.